Above and beyond standard antenatal care
At Our Lady of Lourdes Mwea Teaching and Referral Hospital we believe that our goal is to walk the journey with you, in confidence before, during and after delivery. Normal Delivery and CS Delivery are fully covered by SHA. Our antenatal clinic runs every weekday and is staffed by experienced midwives. They will assess your pregnancy, ensure all necessary measurements and tests are carried out, while scheduling your revisits as appropriate.
In the event of delivery via Caesarean section, we have three operating suites and a doctor-on-call to ensure timely surgery. Whereas we always pray for a healthy baby to be born, in the unfortunate event of a sick baby, we have adequate incubators in our new born unit to cater to them.
High-risk pregnancies that are complicated by other conditions such as diabetes, hypertension (pre-eclampsia) or venous thrombosis (blood clots) will benefit from the multi-disciplinary care of our specialist doctors.